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lead network造句

"lead network"是什么意思  
  • Lead network and security engineer
  • It delivers an industry leading network service continuity solution , " said alan deikman , chief technical officer for znyx networks
  • It delivers an industry leading network service continuity solution , " said alan deikman , chief technical officer for znyx networks
  • Emerson network power co . , ltd . uses its industry - leading network power technologies , r & d , manufacturing , global marketing and service platforms , to supply the world with the most comprehensive end - to - end network power total solution
  • In order to build the company into the leading network platform service provider in china , the company has set up the sustainable company outline plan and organized a modernized team with rich experience in network
  • Network manager is the world ' s leading network management system with more than 500 installations worldwide in power generation , transmission , distribution , energy trading , business management and central market applications
  • For a long time , incumbent carriers tended to regard spc exchange , ddn , fr , atm and ip equipment as leading network elements . most often than not , the transmission equipment is only seen as supportive parts for those leading elements
    长期以来,主体电信经营商都认为程控电话交换机、 ddn 、 fr 、 atm 、 ip等设备是作为网络的主体,而传送设备仅认为是这些设备的配套。
  • Internet has experienced an explosively growth since 1990 ' s . widespread use of computer networks , as well as the appearance of varied network applications has led network congestion to a significant bottleneck problem
  • It's difficult to see lead network in a sentence. 用lead network造句挺难的
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